Unbelievable Sunset Setting

June 17, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

     I am, overall, a landscape photographer. I seek out places that details are often overlooked. I have said this before, but I will repeat this somewhat known fact: When I decide to go out and photograph landscapes, I like to drive down roads I don't know. I love to get lost. Technology can always get me home, but when it comes to taking a picture, I want to not care where I am; I want to be in a place where I am unfamiliar with the area so I can focus on the details. Whether it be an old structure, like a barn or old shed, or some plants where the light is being collected in the leaves; I want to find something that can be easily overlooked or dismissed as normal.


     When deciding to go out to capture a sunset, I really look for scarce to moderate cloud cover. A setting sun is a softer light that seems to make its surrounding glow. The illumination is captivating, and it's almost everything that makes a great photo, in my opinion. A great foreground completes it. We can watch sunrise and sunset times on weather apps, so knowing when to go is the easy part, unless there are a lot of clouds that are breaking apart at the horizon. Given the hills and valleys, the time of sunset can vary. This one piece of property was perfect for this sunset. 


     There were two fields that had been plowed within the past month. They were divided by a drainage ditch with some low, flowing water. On each side of the drainage ditch was a 6-8 foot patch of very green grass that followed the drainage ditch from the road all the way to the woods. By the time I had found this property, the sun was about to set, but it was behind the clouds. A small opening was between the clouds and the horizon. I waited for the right moment before taking a series of shots. This one was the best one. The sky was glowing, the sun was setting, and a plethora of colors were included in what was a picture perfect evening that I was able to share with everyone that cares to view my photo.


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