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Visitors 152
Modified 26-Nov-24
Created 26-May-15
25 photos

So many vistas that beg to be seen. From capturing a few sunrises and sunsets, to some really interesting storm activity.
Sunset 090414Weather BeatenSunset at LSP Lake MILooming PresencePost Sunset 070216(1)The PathCutting ThroughSunset 02191730764749625_50a37999f0_o31776213065_dbba780425_o32136058816_5acd660277_oBrewing StormsReflective MomentBig Sable Point Lighthouse2Ludington Dune SunsetLudington Dune DwellersBurstLow Level FloodingOverflow MarshlandSocial Exclusion

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Clouds, Farm, Sky, Storms, Sunrise, Sunset